Our Approach

Turn Problems Into Profits

Our three-step approach is centered around researching, analyzing, and understanding all aspects of your CX issues, with solutions that provide breakthrough improvements in customer loyalty, spend and value:

Approach to CX Issues: Step 1 | The Verde Group

Step 1

Defining What’s at Stake

View Step 1
Approach to CX Issues: Step 2 | The Verde Group

Step 2

Prioritizing and Visualizing

View Step 2
Approach to CX Issues: Step 3 | The Verde Group

Step 3

Acting and Reacting

View Step 3

Verde’s 3 Step Approach

Step 1

Defining What’s at Stake

Identifying your goals Strategy without a direct link to expected business outcomes is non-productive.

We’ll explore (and help you align on key objectives):

  • Where is your customer experience breaking down?
  • How can you serve the greater needs of your customers?
  • How can an improved CX deliver on that vision?

Identifying your customers It’s more than segmentation or primary customer identification.

We’ll explore (and help you align on key objectives):

  • What makes your customers tick?
  • What is important to their lives in relation to your offerings?
  • And how your brand delivers (or not) on that promise?

Defining your current state You can’t fix problems if you don’t know where you stand.

We’ll explore (and help you align on key objectives):

  • How do your customers search, review, buy and engage today?
  • How do your service experiences mesh with your overall CX?

Identifying the moments that matter Seeing your CX challenges from your customers’ perspective is a universal struggle.

We’ll explore (and help you align on key objectives): 

  • Where is your customer experience breaking down?
  • Who owns these interaction points?
  • Not all journeys are the same: how might different constituents experience different pain points?

Step 2

Prioritizing and Visualizing

Separating the critical few from the trivial many Problem frequency does not equal priority – there are likely “silent killers” going unnoticed.

We’ll deliver:

  • A clear and economically defined understanding of which problems are causing the greatest brand and financial impact – as well as how these experiences are shaping attitudes.

Visualizing the solutions Strategy without action is wasteful – you don’t simply want to know, you want to solve.

We’ll deliver:

  • CX solutions and treatment plans that translate insight into action, while providing you with practical steps to take that are both innovative and purposeful.

Step 3

Acting and Reacting

From challenge to transformation As your organization optimizes its CX journey, it is critical to have the planning and the tools to achieve the transformation.

We’ll deliver:

  • A common vision and rallying point through economically sound, feasible and iterative plans.

Measuring for continuous improvement Knowing where to go is a start, knowing where you are in that journey is even better.

We’ll deliver:

  • Ongoing monitoring and measurement of improvement vs. key friction points – uniquely integrated with Solutions that best meet your needs. Our data visualization solution is powered by Qualtrics, a leader in CX technology.

Are you ready to unleash the power of your customer experience?

Results you can expect

Customer Insights

Customer Insights

Gain clearer insights into which customer experiences are damaging your revenue, share and brand.

Action Plans

Action Plans

Prioritize, design and execute plans that improve your customers’ experiences, realize financial gain and ensure success through organizational alignment and readiness.

Financial Impact

Financial Impact

Quantify the financial impact that specific problems are creating and the overall economic risk associated with friction in your CX journey.

Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement

Act on a steady flow of customer feedback to proactively identify and intercept customers exhibiting loyalty risk.