
Providing Innovative Insights to CX Professionals

The Verde Group is committed to investing in the discovery and sharing of new insights, helping you stay up to date on opportunities to improve your own CX performance.

Blogs and Articles

The Disinvestment in Human Labor: Are Chatbots the New Offshore Call Centers?

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, companies are constantly seeking ways to optimize operations and cut costs. One prominent trend that has gained traction in recent years is the disinvestment in human labor within organizations. This strategy often involves automating various tasks and processes to reduce reliance on human employees. One manifestation of this trend […]

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Blogs and Articles

Enhancing Customer Experience: The Role of Due Diligence in Private Equity

Private equity (PE) has become a driving force in the business world, fueling growth and innovation across various industries. One crucial aspect of this investment strategy is due diligence, the comprehensive assessment of a target company before an acquisition. While financial metrics and operational efficiencies are often prioritized during due diligence, an equally important aspect […]

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Blogs and Articles

The Problem with Customer Satisfaction Surveys

“Customers who had the best past experiences spend 140% more compared to those who had the poorest past experiences.” Peter Kriss, Harvard Business Review Nearly three decades ago, Jones and Sasser published the infamous piece “Why Satisfied Customers Defect”. Many companies conduct regular customer satisfaction research with the belief that there’s a direct link between […]

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Blogs and Articles

Frustrated by Your Current CX Strategy?

Frustrated with the lack of progress in implementing successful CX change initiatives? Join the crowd… According to a Forrester June 2023 report, CX quality among brands in the US declined for an unprecedented second year in a row. Despite more than 80% of business leaders indicating that improving CX is a high priority, just 6% of […]

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